Gabriella Kosa Art
Since early childhood I spent much time drawing and working with clay in my mother'`s ceramic workroom in my hometown in Hungary. My passion for drawing encouraged me to specialise in Art and Drawing in High School, followed by 2 years in a college specialising in metal work, jewellery and enamel.
Interestingly, I then completely turned away from art when I moved to London, but whatever profession I delved in the coming years be it the Fitness industry as a tutor/assessor or Hypnotherapy/Soul reading; I always allowed my creativity to express itself.
It was only a few years ago when I started to invest more time in art again that I realised even these years without art had a positive effect and helped me see things differently and create in a different way.
My love for sports and movement inspires my use of big strokes and dynamic hand movements whilst I am working on the abstract base layer. My interest in working with the unconscious mind and Hypnotherapy shows up in my intuitive subject choice and the messages conveyed.

Artist Statement
I believe that by connecting with nature we can connect to our roots, our deepest parts, our true selves. Passing the superficial, logical and rational conscious mind, we are able to reach down to our Unconscious mind where we are able to find the answers to our questions, find our balance and harmony.
In my art I explore relationships,including relationships between people and relationhsip to ourselves, which are of course connected. Representing these with nature forms, animal themes, I am drawing the attention to the importance of our environment, the importance of our connection to nature.
Some of my work is inspired by the meanings that various tribes and civilisations attributed to certain animals, exposing their symbolic messages which can help us question ourselves in new ways and find hidden resources within ourselves. My ultimate aim with my art is to create balance, harmony and positive transformation.
Visiting the extremes, spontaneous and planned, concrete and abstract, using a mixture of random, organic lines and carefully detailed deliberate shapes I am aiming for an aesthetically pleasing balance that will satisfy both the conscious and the unconscious mind, left and right brain, mind and heart.
I believe, this is the only way how we can experience peace and lasting happinness, when we are able to integrate these extremeties, when we are able to integrate all of our parts, when we find our essence. I want to inspire people to progress on their journey forward and comfort them, that we all have to go through difficulties, but at the end of a crisis there is the opportunity of rebirth.
I mostly use acrylics on wooden board or canvas board with different gels and mediums for extra texture. I love having texture on my paintings, as it reminds me that we have many layers to our personalities and we are evolving through different stages of human development as we progress through life. I feel that using texture brings a painting to life giving multiple layers and progressive stages to it. In my recent series I`ve been using metal leaves, which gives my painting radiance and shine, similarly to how we can brighten our lives when working through our repressed emotions or shadow side. The use of metal leaf is also an influence from my studies at the enamel jewellery college where I fell in love with working with metal.
What others say
"When I first saw the completed artwork, tears brimned my eyes, because it exceeded all my expectations, it was perfect for me..."
"I love all of your paintings` colours. What I love most though is the theme. The animal paintings remind me of situations between human beings. The cranes are moving together in a beautiful and harmonius way, it`s a reminder how relationships should be. "
"I`ve never been to a more wonderful and engaging exhibition within these gallery walls. Thank you for the experience."
"It gives me tranquility of heart, an appreciation of nature`s graceful beauty as well as a mix of glorious gold which makes me value the beauty of nature"